Re: ABC & racist pseudoscience

Jiri Mruzek (
Tue, 01 Oct 1996 15:15:49 -0700

Mark Brodsky wrote:
> Jiri Mruzek ( wrote:
> : > Von D's premise that the Mayans, Incas, etc. could
> : > not have done nifty things without help from outer space is flat-out racist.
> : Trumped up accusations are worthy of a true Nazi.
> OK, then why doesn't Von D investigate some of those European
> Cathedrals. Built during the Middle ages by a bunch of illiterate, plague
> infested pesants living in thatched huts. Obiviosly they could never have
> compleated these structures without extra-terrestrial help! Oh wait, I
> forgot, they were white. Only those poor Native Americans need ETs to build
> anything, not Von D's Aryan brothers!
> Human beings, of ANY race, are a resourseful bunch, capable of much
> more than the limited imaginations of people like Von D and Jiri can
> contemplate.

I'm fed up with racist Nazis like you, who insist on denying
the ancient people the science, which I bring practical examples
of. Then to top it off, they turn around and accuse people like
me, who defend the Ancients - of doing what they do.
These are people with minds like those who stoked the fires of
Auschwitz, these are the rabid dogs of regress and intolerance.
You deny the academic excellence of the Magdalenians showing in
their Science-Art. You are a racist idiot.. You hate the Human race.
I'm forwarding your e-mail address to Simon Wiesenthal.
You can always skit to Argentina..