Re: Creation or Evolution? You Decide :)Bryant (mycol1@unm.edu)30 Sep 1996 10:59:20 -0600
In article <52ktt8$q4t@mtinsc01-mgt.ops.worldnet.att.net>,
Someday, as a biologist, I'm going to turn the tables on engineers and
>[...]This case for Creation will be built using science.
Great! What are your falsifiable predictions for a creation hypothesis?
>Evolution Model: What we observe today is the result of chance events
It's not fair to misrepresent one's opponents in this manner. 'Dishonest.
Not a thing about supernatural entities in neo-Darwinian literature.
Further, this is a very misleading description of natural selection.
That's been observed in natural and laboratory (not to mention pet and food)
> The faith that even one protein arose by chance is tremendous.
Until we know the particulars, there's no basis for a statistical
>Creation Model Prediction: The fossils will be as easy to classify as
What do you think about the mammal-like reptiles from the Cretaceous?
:) Bryant