Re: Metric Time (was Re: Why not 13 months? (Was La Systeme Metrique))Grant Edwards (grante@reddwarf.rosemount.com)Thu, 5 Oct 1995 14:00:37 GMT
WAYNE JOHNSON (ciacon@ix.netcom.com) wrote:
: >: The science fiction writer popularly known as Issac Asimov
: >What a bizarre phrase. I've read a _lot_ of stuff written both by and
: He used a pseudonym for the Lucky Starr stories (my favorite was Lucky
I'm pretty sure that when I read them it just said Isaac Asimov. I didn't
: Weird...I was a kid and liked The Stars, Like Dust and THEN started the
: His real name was Isaac Asimov. Niven and Gerrold made a pun out of it in
I can almost remember a limerick where the last line (which needs rhyme with