Re: Paki gets his turban in a spin
Paul Allen (paul@rbsltd.demon.co.uk)
Mon, 25 Nov 1996 18:38:55 +0000
In article <3297884D.4433@cornell.edu>, Justin Samuels
<js63@cornell.edu> writes
>Democracy is a white thing? Seriously, there are too many countries in
>the world with oppresive white governments that repress members of their
>own race. In Argentina, for example, the government had people throwen
>out of planes back in the 70's, this doesn't seem to democratic to me.
>look at the repression in Eastern Europe. Or in Europe during World
>War II. Or in the countries under the colonial legacy all around the
>All cultures borrown from each other, it's simply the nature of
>civilizations. And all continetns have had peaks of cilivizartions and
>decline Africa had Egypt, mali, Songhai, Ghana, Zimbawe, Nubia, and
>Ethhiopia, all of which were highly advanced. America had the Aztecs,
>Mayans, Incas, Creek Indians, etc. These civlizations were built when
>the Celts in britain were living at Savage level.
>The British have neverdone anything orginal, all thye did was put the
>ideas of others togehter. They used Arabic numerals, the Roman
>alphabet, Math, much of which came from ancient Egypt, Greece, the
>Arabs, and larter the countries of the Meditterean part of Europe. The
>English weren't even inventive enough to come up with theri own
>scientific words, they all borrow these from Latin or Greek. And you
>want to consider yourself the supwerior race, when you've come up with
>no orgianl ideas, every idea you came up with later was based on the
>foundations of others!
>I'd like to see your response to this.
Every nation on Earth had the same opportunities. Some had the ability
or advantage to seize an opportunity, others didn't.
Paul Allen