Re: LUCY: ``Yes, we have no bananas!"/\/\ (raven@kaiwan.com)24 Nov 1996 11:09:12 -0800
>>> >> man's origin and ancestry was the late Dr. Earnest A. Hooton, longtime
>>> >> professor of anthropology at Harvard University.
>>Have you NO shame? That mountain that you keep kicking is
>>actually the sum total of our collective knowledge about the physical
>>universe and the biological systems contained therein. It will not yield
>>to your say so.
>Hey, Michael, what we REALLY know about the physical universe would
>fit in a thimble.
>And that mountain of knowlege, to which you're referring, is about the
>size of a molehill.
>As a wise man once said:
>>>> `` We know only one-tenth
>>>> of one percent about anything."
>>>> -- Thomas A. Edison