Re: What Are the Race Deniers Denying?

Bob Whitaker (
Fri, 15 Nov 1996 12:53:24 -0500

Messiah wrote:
> Quite true, race is determined but mutliple atributes, but it's
> completely arbitary which attributes are considered. Anthroplogists
> claiisfy East Indians has white, but I've seen Dravidians as black as
> skillets! I am certain the average white person doesn't think of
> Dravidians as white. Anthropologist say that because they have straight
> hair and thin lips they're white, but one can find Africans with thin
> lips and noses. People will belive what they want to, theuir opinions
> have been shaped by pasty experiences. Depeneding on who the taxonimst
> is, their are between one(the human race)race, to three races(white,
> black and oriental) to three hundred races or more. You can find
> multiple differences between Nigerians and Ethiopians, does that mean
> tha tthey are in different races? You can find multiple differecnes
> between Irish and Ukranians, does that mean they're different races? You
> can finf multiple differeces between Mogolians and Japanese, does that
> meaan their different races? You can always find something different
> about people. I consider Jews white, but some people don't. Some
> historians condier todays Jews the descendants of Europeans who
> converted to Judaism, which makes Judaism a religion, not a faith.(there
> are black Jews, some Ethiopians, who like their European counterparts,
> converted to Judaism) So this means there isn't a Jewish race, but to
> some people there is. Different peple see things differently. This
> means, that Jews, share the same ancestry as other whites(actually, all
> humans share the same ancestry, if we go back far enough).

You're right of course, anything which is hard to define at the
borders is nonexistent. I have been trying to persuade Argentina of
this. It is the Politically Correct position that, because race is
fuzzy at the edges, race does not exist. Anyone who disagrees with
this, of course, is A Nazi Who Wants To Kill Six Million Jews.
I have tried to explain this to Argentinians, but they keep saying
Argentina exists. That is probably a violation of the Genocide Treaty.
We all knwo there is a dispute as to whether the Falkland Islands
are part of Argentina or not. The border of Argentina, in short, is
fuzzy at the edges. Therefore, accoring to the PC version of the
Genocide Treay, there is no Argentina.
You must join me in my battle to persuade Argentina that it does
not exist.