Re: Evidence for "Big Bang Theory"
Ian Stewart,F13,732405, (istewart@metz.une.edu.au)
21 May 1995 16:08:01 +1000
>From article <3olrq8$27jp@unix1.sncc.lsu.edu>, by voels@bit.csc.lsu.edu (DANIEL C. VOELS):
> If you take a Rolex apart piece by piece, then put all the pieces into
> a box and shake it up... (sure, you can try this at home) and shake and
> shake and shake... it will never, ever randomly "fall into place" to once
> again be a watch. Would you not agree? And you guys _really_ believe
> that something as sophisticated as a human being could have just "sprung"
> up out of some primordial soup with no intervention from something?
Right on, buddy, I'm with you all the way. You can do this with atoms
and stuff too. I mean, say you get together a whole mess of sodium and
chloride ions in a glass of water, shake the hell out of it and then leave
it in the sun for a few days. What sort of maroon is going to believe
that those atoms are going to self-assemble into an unbelievably neat
crystal, made up of _millions_ of rows of alternating atoms, sodium,
chlorine, sodium, chlorine...do you guys _really_ believe that something
with such a high degree of order can just "spring" from some sort of
primordial soup with no intervention from something?
Ian Stewart **********************************************
Dept of Physics * Caesar: "Yond Cassius has a lean and *
UNE, Australia. * hungry look. He thinks too much." *
istewart@metz.une.edu.au **********************************************