Re: ZERO (was: Evidence for "Big Bang Theory"Grant Edwards (grante@reddwarf.rosemount.com)Wed, 17 May 1995 21:43:48 GMT
Gil Hardwick (gil@landmark.iinet.net.au) wrote:
: >It has been extremely frustrating to read people's rantings,
Then don't.
: >especially when they don't seem to know what they're talking about. Is
: This newsgroup is sci.anthropology,
Is there some kind of cluelessness award that can be sent to people who
: and is set aside for the use of anthropologists whether they decide they
Piss off, eh?
Somebody who doesn't even understand cross-posting trying is to pretend he's
: especially those who just want to sit there and whinge, or to attempt
Yet another hint the guy's cluefully impaired.