Query: Money as Magic

Ande Somby (Ande.Somby@irv.uit.no)
Tue, 16 Jul 1996 14:50:31 +0200

Dear All of you.

I have been looking for a text, that is written by Mary Douglas. She
emphasises similarities between the modern monetary system and
traditional magical systems: Both work because people believe on it.

Unfortenately I dont have the citation. Do any of you have it? Are there
other anthropologists that have written about such or related things?

You are very welcome to respond on the net or off the net (if you

Have a nice summer

Ande Somby
Faculty of Law
University of Tromsoe

voice: +47 77 64 45 58
fax: +47 77 64 47 75
email: Ande.Somby@irv.uit.no