RFD: sci.anthropology.kmt
Jahzid Allah (allah@sunsite.unc.edu)
19 Jul 1995 17:50:41 -0400
unmoderated group sci.anthropology.kmt
This is a formal Request For Discussion (RFD) for the creation of the
unmoderated newgroup sci.anthropology.kmt
The RFD is being posted to news.announce.newsgroup, news.groups,
soc.culture.african, soc.culture.african.american, alt.culture.egyptian,
soc.culture.egyptian, sci.anthropology, sci.archeology
The RFD will be followed up to news.groups for discussion.
Out of
consideration of respecting various worldviews, and examining the purpose of
said persons who orchestrated the formulation of soc.culture.egyptian, It is
proposed that the following group be submitted for indoctrination into the
Usenet heirarchy
by virtue of the following reasons
- soc.culture.egypt is centered more around the cultural aspects of the Nation
of Egypt rather than the Civilization of KMT and its influences. KMT is the
the name of the Civilization that resided in North-East part of the continent
called Africa which the ancient people at that time gave to themselves.
- the constant deliberation and debate on racial and ethnic origins of the
people of Ancient KMT have distracted patriots and citizens of the Nation of
Egypt from conducting discourse on soc.culture.egyptian in regards to
discussing contempory issues related to cultural and scholastic issues of the
Nation of Egypt.
- the soc.culture.egypt is not a suitable place to discuss KMT, seeing as
Egypt is not the original name of the KMT Civilization. An .egyptology.
heirarchy would also not be suitable for the above reason. The more correct
term for the study of KMT would be KMT-ology (pronounced kemitology).
- sci.anthropology.kmt would be a forum for discussing the the
anthropological and societal nature of KMT which is popularly
known as Ancient Egypt.
- the scope of sci.anthropology.kmt would include discussion on how KMT
Civilization made contributions to civilizations both ancient and modern,
both positive and negative.
- the group would include discussion on classical works written in the
Ancient Egyptian language such as the Pert Em Hru (The Chapters of Coming
forth by Day), The Litany of Ra, the Discussion between a Man and his Ba
and so forth.
- presentations would be made in conjunction with discussion from the
sci.anthropology and sci.archeology hierarchies concerning the racial, ethnic,
and linguistic characteristics of the KMT civilization prior to the Early
Dynastic Period, and on toward the Later Dynastic Periods.
This should be able to clear up some of the confusion and excess negative
magnetism of continual arguments, not discussions that take place on the
soc.culture.egyptian newsgroup. I see the soc.culture.egyptian newsgroup
primary interest is in discussing the PRESENT day culture of the
Nation-State of Egypt, as was initally set up by its original founders, and
that there goal in keeping the topic in perspective is understandable. However
a forum must exist for intelligent discussion of the facets of KMT Civilization
its origins and its influence on the cultures of the present day. The KMT
Civilization has a wealth of artifacts that bear witness to its existence and
granduer, just as the Greacian/Macedonia culture of Europe. For this reason,
it deserves special attention in regards to developing a full scale appraisal
of its worth as measured to other Civilizations, ancient and modern, that
have existed or exist on the world.
If there is already a group whose purpose is
to discuss the issues I have submitted for sci.anthropology.kmt already, or if
you feel this is an misplaced action, please notify me or followup this
post. Thank You for your time. Peace.
PROCEDURE Discussion on this RFD should take place in
news.groups. If you wish to post to news.groups but
don't have access, you may mail your post to
The RFD discussion period lasts for minimum of 21
days. The discussion will be followed by a CFV
(Call for Votes) which will last for a minimum of
21 days.
The vote will be run by a neutral third party, from
the Usenet Volunteer Votetakers (UVV).
This message is *not* a CFV. Do not try to vote:
before the CFV is posted, or
by posting anything anywhere, or
by sending e-mail to anyone but the votetaker.
The voting procedure will be clearly described in
the CFV when the time to vote arrives. Now is NOT
the time to vote.
Jah-Z Allah
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