Pyramid as Mensuration Standard
John Otten (
21 Jul 1995 22:27:58 GMT
In article <3umqv3$>, (Whittet) writes:
> In article <3uljv2$>, says...
> >
> >One thing about these hysterical theories regarding the Great Pyramid
> >have always left me wondering, why just the Pyramid of Cheops? There are
> >three pyramids at Giza and scores more within a short drive to the
> >south. Why is this one pyramid so special? Because its the biggest?
> Because the Great Pyramid is the only one actually constructed as a standard
> of mensuration. The same proportions are not found on other pyramids.
> Steve
I may have missed something earlier, but what is it that shows or mentions
that the Great Pyramid was constructed as a "standard of mensuration?"
Outside the National Portrait Gallery in London, I remember seeing a brass
plate in the steps that was supposedly a benchmark for the length of the
English foot (Residents of London, feel free to point it out if I am in
error of my recollection).
The National Institute of Standards and Technology in Gaithersburg, MD has
a display of "The Meter," "The Gram," etc. which are supposedly the benchmarks
from which such measurements are made.
But I haven't heard of any buildings that were built as "standards." Can
anyone give me any examples. (Just because I haven't heard of any such
buildings doesn't mean I am claiming they don't exist, I just haven't heard
of any, so don't go saying that "Just because You haven't heard of any, doesn't
mean that none exist" :-) By the way, I am talking about standards of
measurement here, not standard of proportion (although info on buildings built
as standards of proportions would be interesting too).
Anyway, I'm interested in knowing of any material that supports Steve's claim.
Of course, I would imagine it would necessarily be from about the time the
Great Pyramid was actually built. Otherwise it would be reading something
into the motives of the builders, that they may have had no reason to consider
at all.