Re: Indo-European Studies
Virendra Verma (
12 JUL 95 13:12:46
In article <3ttv8q$>, (R. Wallace) writes...
>: In any case, the migration down from the passes of the hindu kush was
>: *long* before anything was written down. Within a few generations, such
>: memories get very vague.
>Is there perhaps a parallel in the Germanic Nibelungenlied?
Absolutely no.
Vedic writers are known for recording minute details. How could
an event such as 'Aryan invasion of India' escaped them? The migration
of the Europeans into the Americas is very well documented and so is
those of moghuls and other imperialist forces into the Indian
sub-continent. Most migrations are usually recorded through myths
or stories which are transmitted from one generation to another.
Arrival of Columbus to the Americas is as fresh as an event of
yesterday. If so called Aryans belonged to Indo-European race,
the tendency of recording migrations in the Vedas must be documented
if one follows a sensible logic.
The Aryan invasion of India is baseless on following grounds:
1. How could a few so called uncivilized Aryans eliminate or displace
an earlier advanced Indus civilization unless they were supported
by weapons and force from their ancestral land or the then native
population of India was savage?
2. The river Saraswati has been praised a lot in the Vedas. It was
the most revered river of the Vedic rishis and had been elevated
to the status of a deity. According to recent archaeological data,
the river dried up around 1800 BC. If Aryans came to India in
1500 BC, how is it possible for someone to talk about an entity
which they never saw? The demise of Sarasawti was gradual. This
means that so called Aryans must be in India much earlier than
at least 2000 BC.
3. Casteism is unique to Vedic people. If they came from outside,
why casteism does not exist in the other western cultures.
4. Sanskrit is the most structured language. Why other Indo-European
languages lack consistent structure.
5. Recent excavations of submerged Dwarika (Krishna's abode) and
other parts of India have revealed relics and structures exactly
as described in Mahabharat. Why a mythical document should bother
to document such minute details while a superficial description
might suffice to create a stage.
6. The heroes of Vedic rishis were dark-skin people such as Rama.
Krishna, Shiva etc. How could fair color be an attribute of Vedic
7. The chariot is frequently mentioned by Vedic rishis. If they knew
about chariot before entering India, how could chariot be used
in hilly tarain of Central Asia?
8. In classical Sanskrit literature, various "Dravidian" persons
have been addressed as "Arya" by their own relatives (e.g Ravan
by Mandodari, Hiranyakashyapa by Prahlad, etc.).
The Aryan invasion theory is a biggest scientific myth of the last
200 years. It has no scientific basis but a racial one. It is used in
modern times for socio-political purposes.
-- Virendra Verma