Re: prime numbers and African artifact
Timothy D. Shoppa (shoppa@almach.caltech.edu)
5 Jul 1995 17:39 PST
In article <DB8qqE.3uI@undergrad.math.uwaterloo.ca>, shallit@graceland.uwaterloo.ca (Jeffrey Shallit) writes...
>On page 21 of Joel Shurkin's 1984 book, _Engines of the Mind:
>A History of the Computer_ (W. W. Norton & Co.), he says:
> "A piece of bone found in Africa and dated at around 8,500 B.C.
>has engraved markings containing what appear to be representations of
>the numbers 11, 13, 17, and 19, all of which are prime numbers ..."
What? They left out 9, 15, and 21, some of the most useful prime numbers
of all! :^)
Tim. (shoppa@altair.krl.caltech.edu)