Re: Science and Unemployment...
Mathew Shember (mathews@wv.mentorg.com)
5 Jul 1995 21:03:20 GMT
In article <3ste71$6kp@ixnews4.ix.netcom.com>, srussell@ix.netcom.com (Sandra Russell) writes:
|> In <3ss210$k7e@oddball.sjc.MENTORG.COM> mathews@wv.mentorg.com (Mathew
|> Shember) quotes shelter@peg.apc.org (Madhudvisah dasa Swami):
|> >|> Some people knew about sanitation and infection... Study the Vedic
|> culture
|> >|> of India... [and even now if you visit the small villages you will
|> not
|> >|> find many problems... The problems are in the big cities...]
|> >
|> Mathew, you DO understand that you're talking to a guy who's probably
|> never even *been* to India, don't you? Let alone actually lived in one
|> of those idyllic small Indian towns long enough to know what he's
|> talking about?
|> Steve Harris
Yep!, That is why I don't reply anymore....
Thanks though.
Mathew Shember