Faculty Position in Japan (German)

Kyoko Inoue (kyoko@educ.cc.keio.ac.jp)
30 Jun 95 10:09:23 GMT


Keio University's Faculty of Science and Technology at Hiyoshi wishes
to announce the opening of a full-time position in German language and
related areas in the humanities and social sciences, beginning April 1,
1996. Applicants should be native or near-native speakers of Japanese,
have completed at least the course requirements for a doctoral degree
in the humanities or social sciences, and have at least three years
in teaching German. Preference will be given to those who already
hold a doctoral degree in the areas to be taught.

The successful candidate will be appointed at the rank of tenured
assistant professor (SHENNIN KOUSHI) or tenured associate professor
(JOKYOUJU), depending on his or her qualifications and experience.


1. curriculum vitae, according to the Japanese style and format,
with one photograph

2. a list of research papers

3. three sample publications, three of each, either originals or
copies, including the candidate's major thesis or monograph

4. a description of the candidate's future research plans
(approximately two A-4 pages)

5. a statement of the candidate's views regarding university
German language education (approximately one A-4 page)

6. a description of the candidate's plan for lecturing in areas
other than German language


September 9, 1995 (The post cancellation mark will serve as validation.)


Candidates who pass the initial screening process will be invited of
an interview (Travel and lodging will be at the candidate's own
expense). Direct notification of the date and other details will be
subsequently provided.

Address to which applications and accompanying documents are to be sent:

Hiyoshi Kyoumuka (Rikougakubu)
Keio University
4-1-1 Hiyoshi
Kouhoku-ku, Yokohama 223


1. Applications and accompanying documents should be sent by
registered mail, with a notice in red ink, preferably in
Japanese, noting their contents and the addressee.

2. Applicants should be aware that the submitted materials cannot
be returned except in special cases.

3. E-mail inquiries should be directed to Professor Keiji Nakano