The Orwellian Side of Anthropology

Bob Whitaker (
Sun, 26 Jan 1997 18:21:23 -0500

The real luxury of controlling the academic bureaucracy is that you get
to make up your own history. So-called Scientifc Anthropology has a
really sickening reputation on social matters, but anybody who wants to
talk about it can forget a career in the academic bureaucracy.
I remember very well when it was Politically Correct doctrine that
anyone who
believed human genes were important was A Nazi Who Wanted To Kill Six
Million Jews.
That was the absolute line in the '50's, '60's, and '70's, and all you
had to do was to trot out a Scientific Anthropologist to declare
Nurture to be the Only True Scientific Faith.
Any one of you would do it.
Recently, Betty Friedan was actually denouncing someone who said there
was no
innate difference in the attitudes of men and women. Actually, that
was doctrine in the 70s, and all you had to do was trot out any random
Scientific Anthropologist to prove it.
Anything sociologists lay down as Politically Correct, academic
bureaucrats calling themselves Scientific Anthropologists will declare
is the Only True Science. Recently I was reading a report on the
finding of the chromosomes responsible for a type of schizophrenia. Two
decades ago any Scientific Anthropologist would have declared the
very idea to be pure Nazism.
So I'm not greatly impressed when an academic bureaucrat called an
backs Political Correctness on race, putting his full credibility, as
always, behind ruling doctrine. For anyone who has been around a
while, that credibility is zero.