Earlobe (earlobe@usis.com)
18 Jan 1995 02:28:21 GMT
decker@spt.tec.sc.us wrote:
: How can we possibly have more ancestors in a coexisting generation than
: the total known population of the earth?
: I know for a fact that I have a mother and a father who each has a mother
: and a father, etc... The direct ancestral chart would look like so:
: Generation Population
: 1 2 (Mother and father)
: 2 4 (grandparents)
: 3 8 (greatgrandparents)....
: 20 1,048,576
: 30 1,073,741,841
: Going backwards it does not take too long to run into a problem.
: What am I missing? Please email your response to me. Thanks
: Art Decker
: decker@spt.tec.sc.us
Maybe the fact that not all people live forever..