Re: Tool UseMichael Pool (mpool@ccwf.cc.utexas.edu)9 Jan 1995 06:18:34 GMT
In article <D247qH.Dwq@acsu.buffalo.edu>, bfobertg@ubvms.cc.buffalo.edu (Bert Gambini, WBFO Development/Air Staff) says:
Chimpanzees have been well documented in not only using tools but making tools. In particular they have been observed to select sticks, twigs, or grass blades and strip them of any branches to make termite prbes to get termites out of their nests. Somet
West African chimpanzees use rocks to crack open nuts. Just as importantly, as stone is scare, they stash their favorite nut crackers for future use.
Clearly, chimpanzees have an incipent technological capability. However, I have never heard of baboons using tools, especially not on a consistent basis.
Michael Pool