Phil Nicholls (
1 Feb 1995 14:56:45 GMT

In article <>,
Tim Benham <> wrote:
>A factlet found will cruising the web: the US NIH apparently believes
>that races are a real and scientifically important concept. Take a look
>at, the
>program announcement for the Human Brain Project. It is a long document
>so I advise you key on 'racial'. Briefly, it requires that all applicants
>for population study research grants to use a racially balanced sample.
>While this stratification would be pointless if 'race' where as inutile
>a concept as some have claimed in this forum, the motivation for this
>requirement may be political.
> wrote:
>> (S. LaBonne) wrote:
>>> Obviously it is in a sociolgical sense, but sociological
>>> concepts of race have always had illegitimate sources of support in
>>> the popular fallacy that "races" have an objective biological meaning.
>>No, not a sociological sense, a common sense. If you have eyes
>>to see the tension between blacks and whites, you have eyes to
>>see blacks and whites. There's no avoiding the distinction unless
>>you want to bury your head in the sand. There's no point in
>>projecting your fantasies about the "objective biological meaning"
>>of races on everyone who discusses race in the U.S.
> People who like this sort of thing
> will find this the sort of thing they like.
>Tim J.Benham


The human brain project accesses race via a questionary and is therefore
not using race as a biological catagory at all.

Sorry to disappoint you.

Philip "Chris" Nicholls Department of Anthropology
Institute for Hydrohominoid Studies SUNY Albany
University of Ediacara
"Semper Alouatta"