Blood Groups Don't Exist - The Lamarkians Can Conclude

Troy Varange (
17 Dec 1996 17:46:00 -0800

> > Not until the initial question is answered. Specifically, what is a
> > "biologically meaningful concept"?
> A "biologically meaningful concept" would be blood type. I am "white"
> and I have type O blood. Let's say I am injured, and I need blood.
> The following two people are available as donors:
> (1) A "white" with type A blood
> (2) a "black" with type O blood.
> Although, from the North American perspective, I belong to the same
> "race" as numer 1, a blood transfusion from numer 1 will kill me. Of
> these, only number 2, who (supposedly) belongs to a different "race"
> can safely donate blood to me. This is about as biologically
> meaningful as you can get.

I've heard the Logic that 'Races don't exist becuase individuals
of the same Race have greater genetic diversity between
individuals of that Race than Races as a whole have between each
other,' and if that is accepted, why wouldn't Blood Groups follow
the Logic?

'Blood Groups don't exist because individuals of the same Blood
Groups have greater genetic differences between individuals of
that Blood Group than Blood Groups as a whole have between each

By the way, I have Type B Blood, and so am 50% more likely to be
African than the average American. Yet, I haven't fooled the
African American community into thinking I'm Black.

Perhaps the Lamarkians can conclude from this, that African
Americans are genetically superior to Lamarkians?
