Re: Suppression of SociobiologyBryant (mycol1@unm.edu)13 Dec 1996 17:35:36 -0700
In article <shafey-1012961559050001@mia-fl2-15.ix.netcom.com>,
>Sociobiology is alive, well and as dangerous as ever because it is used to
Here, for your information, are the questions currently addressed by
*Do parents invest discriminatively in offspring?
*Under what circumstances would infanticide be adaptive (that is,
*Are mate choice mechanisms favoring arbitrary traits ('run away
*Do offspring solicitation signals advertise reproductive value as
*Does father absence during childhood affect sexual strategies in women?
*Under what circumstances can we expect non-reciprocity-based
*What environmental parameters correlate with (and may cause) post-
*Why do women in some cultures mutilate their daughters' genitalia?
*Might animals honestly advertise their resource holding power with
...Now, these might not be *interesting* questions to you, but