Re: Is it NeanderTHals or NeanderTals??Richard Spear (rspear@primenet.com)Thu, 1 Dec 1994 18:09:44 PST
In article <D05B20.qBH@bocanews.bocaraton.ibm.com> michaelb@hobbie.bocaraton.ibm.com (Michael Rogero Brown (Sys Admin)) writes:
>Ok, I have a question that's been bugging me recently:
>What is the correct name for the Neanderthals?
>Is it Neanderthals or Neandertals?
>I grew up with the term 'Neanderthal', but lately I seen and heard
>Well, which is it?
>If you think I speak for IBM, then I've got some swamp land^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H
I refer you to an article in "The New York Review of Books" by Gould, ("The
" ... Tal is the german ... Brits tend to prefer the older Neanderthal ... ",
It is the *worst* Gould article I have *ever* read, and I'm a fan!
Regards, Richard