Re: how reliable is the oral tradition ?
JAMES BENTHALL (st26h@rosie.uh.edu)
26 Nov 1994 19:08 CST
In article <dmoerman.59.001F052B@umich.edu>, dmoerman@umich.edu (Dan Moerman) writes...
>In article <CzJDEC.CD0@cc.umontreal.ca> lettej@ERE.UMontreal.CA (Lette Jean) writes:
>>From: lettej@ERE.UMontreal.CA (Lette Jean)
>>Subject: how reliable is the oral tradition ?
>>Date: Sat, 19 Nov 1994 22:34:58 GMT
>> Can we assume that the legends taught by the elders today are at
>>least similar to those taught 100 years ago. Human nature being what
>>it is, wouldn't it be somewhat surprizing ?
>>Thank you for your input,
>Some years ago I saw an interesting analysis of Navaho dry paintings. Seems
>that in the mid to latter 19th century, photographs were made of some dry
>paintings. When the Navaho figured out what was going on, they prohibited
>such photographs. But there are a few from a century ago. Contemporary
>drypaintings apparently match the century old ones extremely closely. I have
>not a clue where I saw this, but it seems reasonable to me.
># Daniel E. Moerman, Professor of Anthropology
># University of Michigan-Dearborn, MI 48128 USA
># Internet: dmoerman@umich.edu
># (313)769-8938 <voice> (313)769-8643 <fax>
A book by Gordon Wasson called "Soma: divine mushroom of mortality" is supposed
to trace a ceremony used by a group of Native Americans all the way back to
a native group in China (supposedly being around since they crossed over the
land-bridge). I haven't read it though.