Re: Brain size, IQ
Bryant (mycol1@unm.edu)
26 Aug 1996 15:57:10 -0600
In article <Pine.GSO.3.94L.960826145049.6541C-100000@sol3.cis.pitt.edu>,
Matt Fraser <mattf+@pitt.edu> wrote:
>Hi Bryant,
>Surely, one must consider total body size when even beginning to think
>about brain size and intelligence. A larger individual of the same
>species is likely to have a larger brain simply due to scaling, and total
>brain weight/size isn't where the action is for intelligence.
Well, I know that Rushton controls for body size in his analyses for this
reason (good point, by the way).
>Many areas
>of the brain are relegated to non-thought processes, including many areas
>of the cortex. Until the entire brain is mapped out, and cof\gnitive
>function is ascribed to certain regions that then may be compared, the
>rest is largely fluff (IMO).
Yeah, it's a baby field, alright. But I've been impressed that even
though this is the case, some gross anatomical trends seem to exist.
Unusual hemispheric asymmetry (measured w/ MRI), for instance,
corresponds significantly with developmental instability.