Apocalyptic Desire and Scientific PrognosisIan Tresman (ianTresman@easynet.co.uk)Sun, 25 Aug 1996 11:57:42 GMT
..in the new issue of Chronology and Catastrophism Review:
Eric Aitchison: Evidence for a Neat Year of 365 Days
John E. Dayton: Ice Cores and Chronology
Gunnar Heinsohn: Imaginary and Expected Catastrophes - Apocalyptic
Benny Josef Peiser: Cosmic Catastrophes and the Ballgame of the Sky
Heribert Illig: Cosmic Catastrophes and the Origin of Megalithic
D S Allan and J B Delair: Scientific Evidence For A Major World
Graham Hancock: Fingerprints of the Gods - do ancient relicts point to