Ring of Death

Joel and Lynn Gazis-Sax (gazissax@best.com)
Fri, 23 Aug 1996 11:43:50 -0800

Do you have a site devoted to the culture of death?

The Ring of Death is for historians, genealogists, anthropologists,
archaeologists, folklorists, and others who seriously study the
the way we treat our dead. The focus is deliberately not macabre.

To learn more, visit the homepage at:


To begin travelling the ring, go to City of the Silent at:



Joel GAzis-SAx

___ ___
/\ _|_ /\ Joel and Lynn GAzis-SAx
/ /\_|_/\ \ gazissax@best.com
/ / /\|/\ \ \ http://www.best.com/~gazissax/
\ \ \/|\/ / / "If we try to flee from our human condition into
\ \/_|_\/ / the computer, we only meet ourselves there."
\/__|__\/ William Barrett