Re: Homophobia-- human universal?

Terry Towne (
17 Aug 1996 22:31:16 GMT

Homophobia is by no means a cultural universal. You might look for a copy of
Ford & Beach's "Patterns of Sexual Behavior", 1951. It's my understanding
that it was what they got when they asked HRAF for what it had on sex, with
the result that one is reading about the Arapaho one paragraph and fence
lizards the next. Also, you might be interested in Walter L. Williams's "The
Spirit and the Flesh. Sexual Diversity in American Indian Culture", Beacon
Press, 1986. For a better sense of Christianity and homophobia, check out
John Boswell's "Christianity, Social Tolerance, and Homosexuality" U of
Chicago, 1980.

Good luck.
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