Re: hunt/gatherer music

Serge Pahaut (
Tue, 15 Aug 1995 19:02:19 +0200 (Victor Barac) wrote:

> LOOKING FOR: music made by people from contemporary hunter-gatherer
> societies, from any part of the world


You may have a look at the work of
Pr. Simha Arom,
Laboratoire de langues et civilisations `a tradition orale (CNRS)
44 rue de l'Amiral Mouchez
F-75014 Paris, France
Phone (33-1) 45 80 96 73
Fax (33-1) 45 80 59 83

His PhD Thesis was translated in english
by Cambridge University Press

and you may ask his secretary for the dpt bibliography

As far as I know, the dpt is one of the most informed
about music by very low-level traditional populations.
Most field work by the group was made on
Central Africa "pygmies" populations; but some also on
Bushmen, Indonesian village music, etc.

There are place on internet for ethnomusicology;
I hope you already know them. Else, I could find
some file on my disks with references.

Please tell me what you intend to do.
I feel the whole field of "primitive" music deserves more.

Serge Pahaut
Universite' Libre de Bruxelles