Re: evolution v. creationGrant Edwards (grante@reddwarf.rosemount.com)Sun, 13 Aug 1995 15:40:38 GMT
WAYNE JOHNSON (ciacon@ix.netcom.com) wrote:
: A few simple questions:
Yup. Happens all the time during rush hour on the freeway.
: 2. After they mate, do any of the defective ones die?
Well, it depends on how enthusiastically they mate. Many times one of the
: 3. Do the automobiles doing the mating decide how their offspring look
Never seen any offspring...
: 4. Is there any cross-breeding between automobiles and trucks?
Yes, and it's rather tough on the automobiles.
: 5. If life came from outside Earth, the corollary should be true. What
Er, I dunno.
: 6. Is your analogy real, or is this a joke?
You decide...