Re: dietary ideas: 8,000 years ago
Cameron Laird (claird@Starbase.NeoSoft.COM)
5 Aug 1995 13:02:31 -0500
In article <3vufhq$n9o@ionews.io.org>, davepop <davepop@io.org> wrote:
>does anyone have any clues on what the diet of our ancestors were about
>8-10,000. What i need is a 'menu plan' what a typical diet was around the
>demestication of agriculture. Any refferences would be appreciated. I have
>to validate certain ideas for an upcomming research paper.
You might ask also in rec.food.historic. It's a bit off-charter
(there is no r.f.pre-historic), but there are some *good* scholars
who hang out there, and also they have a fair amount of collective
wisdom about the historiography of food, some of which is general
enough to help with your project.
I've cross-posted this to r.f.h; 'hope that simplifies things for
all concerned.
Cameron Laird http://starbase.neosoft.com/~claird/home.html
claird@Neosoft.com +1 713 267 7966
claird@litwin.com +1 713 996 8546 FAX