Re: Strange Maths (was Re: Why not 13 months?)
Doug S. Caprette (dsc@gemini.gsfc.nasa.gov)
26 Jul 1995 15:18:52 GMT
In article <uflotoi0lq.fsf@hrlib.brooks.af.mil> tjm@hrlib.brooks.af.mil (SrA Tim Miller) writes:
>On 21 Jul 1995 00:20:15 GMT, Whittet@shore.net (Whittet) said:
>W> Wouldn't it be easier for a society which had invented writing to
>W> just send a note instead of a man?
> No. You neglect the fact that there was a transaction of real
>goods taking place here; the Pharoh's agent would be expected to *PAY*
>for the order. Thus, it is easier to send an agent with orders to get
>material meeting certain specifications he carries with him, than to
>rely on the dubious measurment standards of a foreign people who are
>likely to try to cheat you anyway...
> Look at it from an Egyptian's point a view, and sending an envoy
More to the point, if they're going to send a note someone has to carrry
it there.