Re: archaic Homo sapiens

J. Moore (
Thu, 21 Sep 95 12:50:00 -0500

Vi> I am a follower and believer of the *out of Africa* theory that
Vi> Homo sapiens came out of Africa 200,000 or so years ago and replaced
Vi> Homo erectus without interbreeding with him.
Vi> I find the appearance of archaic Homo sapiens or *transitional
Vi> forms* such as Petrolona man found in Greece very disturbing.
Vi> Am I overlooking something simple?
Vi> Appreciate any input.
Vi> Vincent1.

The idea that in science, you shouldn't be "a follower and
believer"? ;-)

Along with the idea that the part of the "out of Africa" thesis
that insists on "no interbreeding" seems mighty unlikely, given
exogamy in humans and our near relatives.

Jim Moore (

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