Re: Tears - 1 of 2H. M. Hubey (hubey@pegasus.montclair.edu)21 Oct 1995 23:00:09 -0400
Alex Duncan <aduncan@mail.utexas.edu> writes:
>In article <60.3669.7295.0N1FA09B@canrem.com> J. Moore,
>>Then Frey continues with reports of other animals shedding tears:
I've been ignoring this because it's not clear to me exactly
1. Is it that humans shed salty tears?
2. Is it that humans shed tears when distressed?
3. Is it that humans shed salty tears when distressed?
4. Is it that humans share one of the above with some animals?
>Wait Jim, you fool. If dogs and wolves and gorillas shed tears, then
>Just trying to beat Hubey to the punch here.
You did. So far I don't see what the problem is.
Has the chemical compositions of tears for these animals
It seems logical that animals should have some way to
So then it must have something to do with something else such
So what was the original idea anyway?