Re: Body Hair Loss in Aquatic MammalsPhil Nicholls (pnich@globalone.net)Wed, 18 Oct 1995 03:54:40 GMT
hubey@pegasus.montclair.edu (H. M. Hubey) graced us with the following
>pnich@globalone.net (Phil Nicholls) writes:
>>Baboons do not forage during the hottest parts of the day. Like most
>I've seen herds of cattle gather on top of hills around noon
Only if there are no trees around. Baboons find shade and climb
>It seems that baboons being smarter should have learned that
It does? Why? Let me get this straight. Based on your
>Is bipedal locomotion much more expensive for baboons than
Baboons are much more specialized quadrupeds than chimps.
Phil Nicholls pnich@globalone.net