Re: AAT TheoryH. M. Hubey (hubey@pegasus.montclair.edu)5 Oct 1995 22:25:59 -0400
ghanenbu@inter.nl.net (Gerrit Hanenburg) writes:
>Can these models predict the outcome of a specific conflict?
Who do you think conducts the war games scenarios and churns
>That would be nice because then we don't have to fight a war ever again.
>The outcome is simply calculated and victory becomes a formality. :-)
It's already being done. Give me the army with the bigger cannons.
>I already gave you an example (Tattersall,The Fossil Trail,1995) in one of
Can someone explain to me how the weather was hot and dry and
I can't get over a few things:
1) If the overall temperature was higher than today, then the
2) If the weather was dry, where did the water go? If it went to
Did the land masses get pushed up, and did the ocean bottoms
>Go to the a university library and read some copies of the "American
How about if I just read some books with lots of plots and