Re: AAT TheoryH. M. Hubey (hubey@pegasus.montclair.edu)3 Oct 1995 23:31:07 -0400
r3dlb1@dax.cc.uakron.edu (David L Burkhead ) writes:
>>We are discussing savannah (i.e. the closest thing to the open
> Wealth of meaning in those two words.
Yes. I assume none of us was around millions of years ago and
> A: Lions don't generally hunt in packs. BTW, the word isn't
Pack is a generic word. Pride, herd, gaggle, etc don't mean much
Prides to work in groups, and so do hyenas and wild dogs,
> B: hyenas aren't the worlds most courageous animals. Given a
Scaring off lion prides doesn't seem to smack of much