Re: Ed, your pictures look fake.
Ed Conrad (
22 Nov 1996 11:18:33 GMT
Stu Taylor ( wrote to
>Hey Ed Conrad. How about putting better pictures of the skulls
>on your web site so we can see sutures or muscle scars that
>would confirm that what you found were skulls. If you don't respond
>then I'll assume there aren't any sutures and that the pictures aren't
>of skulls but of rocks as I gleaned from my original look at the
Hey, Stu:
You certainly have raised a valid point.
Please get baldy haircut and immediately have color closeup
photos taken of your skull. Please promptly forward (snail-mail)
to address below.
We will be pleased to post comparisons of your cranium, with its
scars and fissures, and what you say are the absence of them on left
forehead of gentlemen with cranium embedded in rock these last
280,046,237 years.
Please indicate any bumps on head not there at childbirth and any
fissures that were caused by bumps, grinds and bruises -- like the
time you fell off the donkey during your visit to the Grand Canyon
four-five years ago.
Please use blue highlight pen to indicate incidents prior to age 12
and a red highlight pen (or orange if you don't happen to have red)
fto indicate all occurrences during your teens and later.
This obviously is being done to eliminate all post-natal cranial bumps
and bruises which might throw the comparison off. The preparation of
such photos is really nothing new because President Ford had his skull
charted in precisely this manner just before leaving office. The only
problem, there was so much blue and red in the picture, I understand
they had great difficulty locating his skull.
Mail baldy skull photos to:
Maniacal Serial Killers
True Detective Magazine
Globe Communication Corp.
1544 St.-Catherine Ste. Rue
Montreal, Quebec
Stu: A reminder: This a Canadian address and postage
is a BIT higher. If you only use a 32-cent stamp, I'm pretty
sure it'll be returned for more postage.