Re: An alternative to ST and AATThomas Clarke (clarke@acme.ucf.edu)5 Nov 1996 14:43:16 GMT
In article <327EC36D.4E9E@scn.org> Phillip Bigelow <bh162@scn.org> writes:
>> Don't you see a difference in these cases.
>You're right; I don't. The discussion thread is on the relationship
I came in late so I may be a bit off topic.
>> H.s and preceeding hominids and australopithecenes are the only
>Actually, the only creature to walk EXACTLY like a human is a modern
Why the "sic"? I was making a tongue in cheek allusion to a popular
Still Australopithecenes walked more like Homo sapiens than did any
>Similarly, the only creatures to walk EXACTLY like birds are birds.
And how many species of birds are there?
>The same can be said of kangaroo locomotion and kangaroo rat locomotion.
How many species that travel by saltation?
>Your point is essentially moot. Your point is also extremely
That is true. But then anthropology is an extremely specio-centric
Tom Clarke