Re: MOST IMPORTANT FOSSIL (A human skull as old as coal!)

Roger Dodger (
04 Nov 96 11:42:21 -700

Roger Dodger has this to say about that-
>therre is an even more interesting fossil -- in the upper rio grands
>valley of new mexico, there is the imprint of a bare human female footprint
>in a sandstone outcropping that is around 10 -60 million years old. The
>girl was walking and tripped. seh overcorrected by extending her foot and
>made the imprint in the once soft mud of the riverbank. It left a deep
>impression clearly visible. You can even see the potho;e she stepped
>into, and the splash marks extending out from it.....

Please download a pic of this 'fossil', and documented evidence from a reliable
source concerning the extreme age of this 'fossil'. I'm sure we would all be
interested in DOCUMENTED evidence.

Roger Dodger
from the City-State of the Invincible Overlord
"What else floats?" "Very very small rocks?"