Re: Neoteny was Re: god makes hubeyH. M. Hubey (hubey@pegasus.montclair.edu)26 Nov 1995 12:35:41 -0500
bbur@wpo.nerc.ac.uk (Bill Burnett) writes:
>kind of topic.
It's always a big pain to get people to comprehend anything
>Evolution has no pre-set 'goal'
Who said that it did? Goal has no sense except for a living
>Evolution is not necessarily an increase in complexity
Uhhh? It looks like we are now beginning to admit that
evolution, evolve, devolve,...
>We are not descended from chimps
Cheap shot. Chimps are used as models for CA whenever it
>Chimps are not descended from dogs
Another cheap shot. The two are further removed than...
>We are all descended from a very distant common (_not_ doglike) ancestor
another cheap shot and an attempt to hide the obvious. That common
>None of these statements denies the increase in complexity in _some_
Good. This is progress.
>Degree of complexity depends on the character you analyse.
Hmmm.. oh yes, the bird foot is so complex compared to the human foot :-)
And the leopard tail is soooooooooo complex compared to the
>I can only think your inability to grasp this is comparable to my inability to
Grasp what? What exactly is there to grasp except the most mundanely