Re: Sodium Homestasis
H. M. Hubey (
13 Nov 1995 00:38:59 -0500 (J. Moore) writes:
>Given the ubiquity of sodium, it would indeed be extremely
>difficult to have an absolutely no-salt diet.
I should have said "no added salt". Could we still get
enough salt from food. I'd guess we'd have to eat more
>or crave salt -- quite the opposite. On the other hand, animals
>such as humans, sheep, rats, rabbits -- and indeed most all
>terrestrial non-carnivores (Carnivores get plenty of salt from meat)
>-- have evolved in environments in which this salt appetite was a
>crucial need, and consequently they typically exhibit such an appetite.
THis part seems unsupported. Where did we find this "salt
appetite was a crucial need."??
About 20 years ago during some camping trip I lived on
canned vegetables for a week (and they had no added salt).
When I came home I had one taste of my mother's cooking
and I almost threw up-- nothing but salt. But then everyone
else insisted that it did not have too much salt, just
regular as always. So in 1 week had already adjusted to
practically no salt. I wonder how low one can go. That's all.
My guess is that nobody knows. Years ago it was thought
that THC made people hungry by causing a drop in sugar
levels. Nope. No effect. So they were making up a story
to explain something without testing it.
>B) There are a number of hormones involved in the regulation of
>sodium regulation -- both salt appetite and sodium retention and
It's not like insulin. Besides, even if it were, we'd still
need to know what triggers these hormones. No go.
Regards, Mark