Re: Tears and 'salt excreBill Burnett (bbur@wpo.nerc.ac.uk)Tue, 7 Nov 1995 09:43:25
In article <60.3987.7295.0N1FCB23@canrem.com> j#d#.moore@canrem.com (J. Moore) writes:
>Bb> >What do whales drink? Do they not drink for weeks at a time? Or
>Bb> >How about seals? Where do they find water to drink? And how
>Bb> Jim Moore has graciously saved me the trouble of how whales drink so I
>Actually, I pointed out that marine mammals and birds *can drink*
>Jim Moore (j#d#.moore@canrem.com)
You're right of course, sorry if I was over attributing... perhaps drink
I believe most of the fluid intake of marine animals (at least the carnivores)