Re: chimps in the CEHE (on the savanna?)H. M. Hubey (hubey@pegasus.montclair.edu)27 Oct 1995 18:11:40 -0400
Alex Duncan <aduncan@mail.utexas.edu> writes:
>"Some African species, such as baboons (Papio spp.), the vervet monkey
"Live"?? Is that like picnic? Now you have to sic the author on
>"Recent studies on savanna-dwelling chimpanzees in Senegal and Tanzania
Which kind of savanna??? Mosaic, wooded or riverine? :-)..
>And now, just in case Mr. Hubey tries to back out of his original
I don't see any reason to back out of any statement. For one thing
>Hubey's response:
That was my "authoritative" statement. It's still true.
Duncan, you should try to stretch your intellectual
You are really scratching the bottom of the barrel.
>managed life in open country, because they wouldn't have been able to
Still believe it. Put some chimps out in the same "open country"
In fact, why don't you take a few people like yourself