Re: Info needed on bones!
27 Apr 1995 17:35 CDT
In article <3nof7e$>, Helen Haines <> writes...
>I am hoping someone out there can help me. I am in desparate need of
>information regarding possible pathologies that may result in the
>early fusing of epitheses.
> An examination of the mandible and
>the teeth suggest an age of 18 months for the individual. The length
>of the bones substantiates this age.
>The problem:
>the epithesis on the proximal end of the radius are fused. An event
>that should not occur for several more years?!
I don't know if you've already checked out this source or not, and it's been
a while since I have seen it myself, but there is an excellent text put out
by the Smithsonian Institution Press which provides a fairly comprehensive
overview of many of the commonly-seen paleopathologies encountered in the
examination of human remains. It is by David (?) Ortner and George (?)
Putschar, published around 1980 or so...if it is not directly helpful, it is
full of all kind of reference goodies. Good Luck! Sincerely, Rich Wills the
MIA-plane crash guy at TAMU.