FAQ material (was: Professor's address)

Cameron Laird (claird@Starbase.NeoSoft.COM)
10 May 1994 10:47:44 -0500

In article <2qa04v$sd9@apakabar.cc.columbia.edu>,
Spencer Austin Lehv <sal7@konichiwa.cc.columbia.edu> wrote:
>Hello. I am an undergraduate at Columbia University, and I am wondering
>if someone can help me find the address of Professor Stanley Marion
>Garn. Last semester I wrote a paper on racial and sexual variation in hair
>distribution and his dissertation (on the structure/distribution of
>hair) was cited several times. It looked really interesting and I would
>really like to get my hands on it.
>The only problem is that the only place I have been able to find it is at
>Harvard. Can anyone either: a) tell me how I can get a copy from
>Harvard, or b) give me Professor Garn's address so I can ask him personally.
>I have been trying to do this for about 6 months so I am getting pretty
I'm going to answer this question; express perplexity,
in what might sound like a scold; and issue a few action

An Answer
I am not an expert in these academic matters; surely
other readers know far more than I. However, this
information seems severely maldistributed, and I believe
it will serve some purpose to post it.

Essentially all doctoral dissertations submitted to uni-
versities in the United States are always available at a
modest cost ($15-50, approximately) from

University Microfilms
Ann Arbor, Michigan
+1 313 761 4700
+1 800 521 0600
Ordering Department: extension 3781
Da??? Search Department: extension 3732
searchable through DIALOG as ???

The folks at UMI are co-operative and helpful. I call
'em a few times a year, and always get good answers.

Above I wrote "[E]ssentially ..." The most notable ex-
ception to this rule is that all Harvard University
dissertations stay there, and are available for order
at +1 617 495 3995. In particular, that's the way to
find Dr. Garn's 1948 *Human Hair: Composition ...*

Why don't more USA-resident academics know this? 'Beats
me; it strikes me as fundamental knowledge. Mr. Lehv,
there's something wrong if you're paying Ivy League
tuition, and you're not in contact with a reference
librarian, professor, or even teaching assistant there
at Columbia who can advise you on these matters. Also,
I suspect your ILL librarian can secure a copy of the
dissertation for loan to you at an even lower cost
($0-5, depending on the potency of your sponsor).

I suggest you research what has been done in this field
since 1948.

Action items
This basic information about UMI needs to appear in
some FAQ. It doesn't appear in any of the ones I've
browsed. I've cross-posted this rather haphazardly,
in the hope that we can make some sort of useful con-
nection. In the meantime, Danny, can you please make
room for this in the sci.anthropology.paleo FAQ?

I suggest follow-ups go to sci.anthropology.paleo and
soc.libraries.talk, although I'm certainly open to


Cameron Laird
claird@Neosoft.com (claird%Neosoft.com@uunet.uu.net) +1 713 267 7966
claird@litwin.com (claird%litwin.com@uunet.uu.net) +1 713 996 8546