Re: What is a hominid?
BARD (bard@netcom.com)
Wed, 29 Mar 1995 09:14:38 GMT
In article <3k4tc5$ee4$2@mhade.production.compuserve.com>,
JP Bailhe <71202.2712@CompuServe.COM> wrote:
>definition of hominid?
>Nothing suggested so far holds up. There are always too many
>exceptions. Erect walking, brain size, tool making, all those
>ideas have been laid to waste, leaving us in the embarrassing
>position of not being able to define ourselves at all.
>What we need is a new concept of what makes a human distinct from
>our very close relatives like the chimp.
>JP Bailhe 71202.2712@compuserve.com
Not "tool-making" when you consider the vast degree of complexity
of a computer over a stick used to catch termites.