Re: Bipedalism and other factors and AAT

Troy Kelley (
Mon, 19 Jun 1995 13:01:20 GMT

Subject: Re: Bipedalism and other factors and AAT
From: J. Moore,
Date: Fri, 16 Jun 95 09:44:00 -0500
In article <> J. Moore, writes:

>Tk> Now... since this issue of crocodile tolerance to salt is out of the
>Tk> way, can we please get back to the issue of AAT, or is that all but
>Tk> forgotten?
>Tk> Troy Kelley
>That depends, are you going to try and learn from posts, and perhaps do
>some reading other than AAH supporters? If you aren't, you're doomed to
>having people jump on your misstatements and misunderstandings just like
>they did this time.
>Jim Moore (

Jeeezzzee.. I try and be nice and conciliatory and I just get another
blast from your obnoxious, self-righteous crap.

>Tk> I guess I should have typed, "you aren't likely to find crocodiles
>Tk> swimming around in the open ocean with sharks" but I didn't. Or I
>Tk> should have said, "you aren't likely to find crocodiles at the beach,
>Tk> but more likely in rivers or streams."
>If you had typed any of those things, you would also have been wrong.

OK, Jim, now it is your turn to do a little reserch. So PLEASE do tell
me your reference that says "You are very likely to find crocodiles
swimming around in the open ocean with sharks" and show me how I was
"wrong". I am eagerly awaiting your reply, because I just really love
when you prove to everyone your expansive knowledge on all matters of
aquatic animal behaviour.
If you do not post any references that say that crocodiles "are likely
to be found swimming around in the open ocean with sharks" I will assume
that I was right and you were wrong. BTW, I mean crocodiles in GENERAL,
not one or two species that is swimming across a oceanic area to a
different habitat. Also, notice I did say OPEN ocean, this means far
away from the shorelines or costal areas, in otherwords in the MIDDLE of
the ocean.
Just so there is no confusion as to how you are going to show me "if [I]
had typed any of those things, [I] would also have been wrong".
BTW, I would like to formally apologize to this news group for wasting
bandwith on crocodile habitat, but I feel this is getting personnel and I
must defend myself from blatantly obnoxious criticism.

Troy Kelley