Re: prime numbers and African artifact

Jose Felix Sandoval (
11 Jul 1995 17:05:48 GMT

: : No, no, no. Those are the *even* numbers! The primes are 1, 4, 9, 16, 25,
: : 36, etc.

: Wrong - those are ROUND numbers. The primes are 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13,
: 21, 34, etc. It's as easy as 3.1415.....

: David Wasserman (
: Curmudgeon-At-Large (
: "The older I get, the more value I place on experience."
I know I'm biting into this, but hey...
That's the fibonnacci series...easy as e

Jose Sandoval
Software Quality Assurance
**HP is not responsible for my actions and thoughts..**