Re: Social evolution of hominidsPhillip Bigelow (bh162@scn.org)Fri, 17 Jan 1997 18:34:17 -0800
ailak@walrus.megabaud.fi wrote:
This could also be evidence for ANCIENT acquisition of one-one pair
> - staggering performance of human monogamy in normal life throughout
With a 50% divorce rate here in the States, I would prefer to use
> - scarcity of genetically fixed traits to support monogamy.
How do you know this, and how scarce are these "monogamy"-genes?
> - elaborate cultural network of taboos and customs which has been
Again, this could just as easily be used to suggest ancient acquisition,
> - collapse of monogamy, where cultural demands weaken.
This could also suggest that this trait could have arisen and then
> - economy-linked polarity of sexual relations in primitive cultures.
Actually, history shows that in certain cultures, when men possess