Hunter-gatherers, exercise and heart disease
Staffan Lindeberg (
Sun, 29 Dec 1996 01:20:29 +0100
Maureen & Dale Smith wrote:
> [Aboriginal hunting groups] also exercise more than the average bear. I've seen
> them and the hunting aboriginies are on the go alot more than a normal person
This was true for Australian Aborigines [1] but not quite for
hunter-gatherers of most other parts of the world. On an average they
have spent 2-3 hours per day for subsistence activities.
A fairly low level of physical activity has been the rule among many
traditional populations, particularly hunter-gatherers and tribal
horticulturalists, who have spent an average of three hours or less each
day on food production [2-6]. On the one extreme, a female Machiguenga
of the Amazon dug up enough tubers in one hour to feed 25 adults for one
day [6]. On the other extreme we find populations living in deserts, the
Arctic or similar marginal habitats and who have spent more than seven
hours a day hunting or gathering [2]. The very high level of physical
exercise exerted by the Tarahumara Mayans of Mexico [7] can hardly be
considered representative for traditional human populations.
> ...the point is that exercise also lowers bad cholesterol...
Physical activity undoubtedly exerts a number of potentially beneficial
effects on cardiovascular risk factors, including reduction of blood
pressure, body weight and waist to hip ratio, and elevation of HDL
(good) cholesterol [8]. Higher levels of physical activity are
furthermore prospectively associated with lower mortality [9-10].
Besides its possible genuine effects, exercise may facilitate an
adequate intake of essential nutrients by way of increased energy
expenditure [11]. Nevertheless, available evidence do not suggest that
exercise is as efficient as dietary changes to lower body weight [8, 12]
or blood pressure [13], nor do cross-cultural surveys indicate that a
high level of physical activity is a necessary condition for very low
rates of coronary heart disease.
Staffan Lindeberg MD PhD
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